Monday, February 13, 2006

Welcome to Pohick

Hello everyone. As you well know, I can't resist trying new things. My latest endeavor is this blog site. As if you weren't already tired of my incessant and often random ramblings, I now have yet another medium with which to annoy.... I mean enlighten you. You may ask yourself, why I have selected the title of Pohick. It just so happens that the little log cabin in which my family and I dwell is located on the perimeter of the Pohick National Forest. The PNF as we like to call it is the largest and most underdeveloped Forest area in the entire state of confusion.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Sorry, I didn't really have a comment on this one but I was on a roll and had to cover all bases. It seems a bit neurotic to you maybe, but everything is in order now, I feel good about me. Self-esteem is everything with education in todays world. You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
