Friday, March 24, 2006

Be a StarrySpark and Grocery Girl Supporter

I would like to thank all of the loyal readers of the "Amazing Adventures of StarrySpark and Grocery Girl". Thanks for reading, providing feedback and being good sports when your images were used. Here are some things you can do to be a supporter of StarrySpark and Grocery Girl:

1. Tune in each day for the next exciting episode at
2. Provide feedback by writing comments. You can suggest storylines or just comment on what you think starryspark and grocery girl might do in a particular situation. Haven't you always wanted to scream at the hero of a movie, "DON'T GO INTO THAT ROOM". With StarrySpark and Grocery Girl you have your chance to change the course of the story because a new episode is created fresh every day.
3. Submit your photo for inclusion on the website by sending an email to the author at Come on, you know you have always wanted to be in a comic book.
4. Tell your friends about StarrySpark and Grocery Girl. It's a tough job keeping the world safe from the forces of evil and StarrySpark and Grocery Girl appreciate all the support they can get.
5. Please visit our sponsors.

Thanks and don't forget to tune in each day for the next exciting episode of StarrySpark and Grocery Girl. Have you missed an episode? Check out the Episode Guide.


  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I had a hard time trying to come up with a comment on this entry but I regressed back to the days of elementary school when you had to use a word from the definition list in a coherent sentence: i.e. Buyology which is the study of shopping. Mr. Macintyre, I learned the definition of Buyology in the second grade English class. Although it is used coherently it usually brought to bear a decision on my part, one up or two down. Today used properly I would be correct to say that my wife is a Buyologists. Ow! It stills works only no decision on one up or two down I just got both. Sorry, I had a string of comments going just wanted to keep the flow going. It may seem a bit retentive, but it seems perfectly orderly to me.

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    StarrySpark and Grocery Girl need furry, four-legged super companions to avoid danger. May I suggest Mochadopolis and the Domster. These two highly trained crime fighting canines are just what the superheros ordered. They can sniff out danger in an instant. Call 1(800)dog-hero for more info.
