Monday, April 03, 2006

Royal Holiday

After all of the strife in the Kingdom during the recent unfortunate incident with the mouse, King Jake decided to raise morale. He decreed a holiday and a royal tournament. In most kingdoms a tournament involves jousting and such. In the Kingdom of pohick though the royal sport is orienteering. Orienteering involves roaming through the forest with a map and compass as your guide. The team that can correctly locate each of the assigned points in the quickest time is the winner. For this particular contest, King Jake teamed with Princess StarrySpark and Queen Molly teamed with Princess Yellow Hair. With a hearty high ho silver and away, each team was off with a shot. Each team was determined to out orienteer the other. Several hours later when the royal park rangers managed to locate the missing Pohick family, spirits were somewhat more subdued. Just kidding. Actually, both of the royal orienteering teams did quite well and found all of their points. It was almost perfect weather and an afternoon of strolling through the forest was exactly what the doctor ordered!!!


  1. Found you via Blog Advance. Love the blog! The mouse war is fantastic!

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    That is a mighty nice crown there King Jake. I like the information operational campaign to sway kingdom opinion in reference to your support of the Mice sect. Mic-key-M-O-U-S-E T-Shirt nice touch. Looking at the paleness of the Royal Flesh it looks like it was a long and dark winter in the Kingdom of Pohick. Hope you got some royal sun. They say that you need sunshine for your body to process certain vitamins that help stimulate mental wellness. Have you ever heard of those people that get depressed during the winter months and they get prescriptions to lay under a sun lamp. You may not have been lost but entered into the twilight zone. You can thank your orienteering partner. Glad to hear that it was a good day and morale in the royal court was improved.
