Saturday, October 07, 2006

I Scream You Scream

After a recent band event at the Pohick Royal Academy of Technology and Science, the band boosters provided the students with a little ice cream.

One scoop, two scoops, three scoops, four
Eat some ice cream and ask for more
Hot fudge, peanuts, whip cream too
Ice cream comes from critters that moo

Jake who attended the event refrained from confiscating any of Princess Scribbles' Ice Cream or to use the Pohick Vernacular he refrained from imposing a Ice Cream Tax. Of course while the band was performing, Jake sampled a large variety of band festival food to include nachos and cheese, pretzels, pop corn and a lovely pulled pork BBQ sandwich.


  1. Stop it! You're making me hungry lol! Seriously, looks like you all had fun, which is great!

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM


    Loved your Hunchback post, btw. You had me laughing out loud!
