Sunday, March 23, 2008

Favorite Movies

As we were watching The Sound of Music today, we had the chance to hear the song "these are a few of my favorite things". This song sung by Maria talks about "Rain drops on roses" and "Whiskers on Kittens". It got us to thinking about some of our favorite things and the discussion turned to movies. It became apparent to us that you can tell a lot about a person by the movies which have had an impact on their lives. We decided to make a list to share with you. It is interesting to note not only which favorite movies we picked, but also the time period in which the favorite movies were released. These are movies which touched us or made an impact on our lives in some way. Here are the picks from the Pohicks. We would love to hear what your three favorite movies are as well.

  • Ground Hog Day 1993 A weather man is reluctantly sent to cover a story about a weather forecasting "rat" (as he calls it). This is his fourth year on the story, and he makes no effort to hide his frustration. On awaking the 'following' day he discovers that it's Groundhog Day again, and again, and again. First he uses this to his advantage, then comes the realisation that he is doomed to spend the rest of eternity in the same place, seeing the same people do the same thing EVERY day
  • Sleepless in Seattle 1993 Sam is a recent widower who is seeking someone new. Sam's son Jonah, is also looking for a new mother, so when Jonah puts his father on national radio, hundreds of women write to him. One of the women is Annie. She's engaged to Walter, but he's a bit strange. Annie goes to great lengths to meet Sam.
  • Saving Private Ryan 1998 Opening with the Allied invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944, members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion under Cpt. Miller fight ashore to secure a beachhead. Amidst the fighting, two brothers are killed in action. Earlier in New Guinea, a third brother is KIA. Their mother, Mrs. Ryan, is to receive all three of the grave telegrams on the same day. The United States Army Chief of Staff, George C. Marshall, is given an opportunity to alleviate some of her grief when he learns of a fourth brother, Private James Ryan, and decides to send out 8 men (Cpt. Miller and select members from 2nd Rangers) to find him and bring him back home to his mother.

  • The Game Plan 2007 Top Boston Rebels football star, Quarterback Joe Kingman, has an unknown 8-year old daughter from a former marriage show up on his doorstep. This precocious youth, Madison Pettis, transforms his life from a egotistical, promiscuous bachelor to a loving father. Instead of decreasing his popularity, his daughter makes the athlete even more popular among fans and teammates. Joe Kingman admires Elvis Presley (The King) and fills his life with Elvis memorabilia and actions. Little Madison steers her Dad away from his exotic, blonde Russian girlfriend, Tatianna, towards her wholesome ballet teacher, Monique Vasquez. A turn of events ends with a happy ending for both the football and romance sides of this Disney family big-budget film.
  • Big Daddy 1999 Sonny Koufax is 32 years old. He's a law school graduate. He's got a nice apartment in Manhattan. There's just one problem. He does nothing, except sit on his butt and live off an investment that was the result of a meager lawsuit he won a year ago. But after his fed up girlfriend leaves him, he comes up with the ingenious idea to adopt a five year old boy to showcase his newfound maturity. But things don't go as planned, and Sonny finds himself the unlikely foster father that will change his perspective on just looking out for himself.
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2005 Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is about to start and he is enjoying the summer vacation with his friends. They get the tickets to The Quidditch World Cup Final but after the match is over, people dressed like Lord Voldemort's 'Death Eaters' set a fire to all the visitors' tents, coupled with the appearance of Voldemort's symbol, the 'Dark Mark' in the sky, which causes a frenzy across the magical community. That same year, Hogwarts is hosting 'The Triwizard Tournament', a magical tournament between three well-known schools of magic : Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The contestants have to be above the age of 17, and are chosen by a magical object called Goblet of Fire. On the night of selection, however, the Goblet spews out four names instead of the usual three, with Harry unwittingly being selected as the Fourth Champion. Since the magic cannot be reversed, Harry is forced to go with it and brave three exceedingly difficult tasks.

  • Phantom of the Opera 2004 Begins when an opera ghost terrorizes the cast and crew of the French Opera House while tutoring a chorus girl. He finally drives the lead soprano crazy so she and her friend leave. The girl is able to sing lead one night but the soprano doesn't want her show stolen so she comes back. The ghost demands they keep giving his protégé lead roles. Meanwhile, His pupil falls in love with the Vicomte de Chagny, but the Phantom is in love with Christine, his student. The Phantom is outraged by their love and kidnaps Christine to be his eternal bride. Will Raoul, the Vicomte, be able to stop this dastardly plan?
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984 Set in 1935, a professor, archaeologist, and legendary hero by the name of Indiana Jones is back in action in his newest adventure. But this time he teams up with a night club singer named Wilhelmina "Willie" Scott and a twelve-year-old boy named Short Round. They end up in an Indian small distressed village, where the people believe that evil spirits have taken all their children away after a sacred precious stone was stolen! They also discovered the great mysterious terror surrounding a booby-trapped temple known as the Temple of Doom! Thuggee is beginning to attempt to rise once more, believing that with the power of all five Sankara stones they can rule the world! Now, it's all up to Indiana to put an end to the Thuggee campaign, rescue the lost children, win the girl and conquer the Temple of Doom.
  • Beauty and the Beast 1991 Belle is a girl who is dissatisfied with life in a small provincial French town, constantly trying to fend off the misplaced "affections" of conceited Gaston. The Beast is a prince who was placed under a spell because he could not love. A wrong turn taken by Maurice, Belle's father, causes the two to meet.

  • Revenge of the Nerds 1984 When lovable nerds Gilbert and Lewis embark on their freshman year at Adams College, little do they realize the perils that await them. They're beset with taunting by the jocks of Alpha Beta fraternity, which only worsens when the jocks accidentally burn down their house and are forced toss the freshmen out of the freshmen dorm. To make matters more problematic, Lewis develops a crush on pretty Betty Childs, popular sorority sister and quarterback's girlfriend. Joined by the aptly named Booger and the violin-playing Pointdexter, the nerds soon realize they must form their own fraternity in self-defense. Soon the tables are turned as the nerds employ high-tech warfare against the jocks.... but can they really win and make a difference?
  • Star Wars IV(Original)1977 Part IV in a George Lucas epic, Star Wars: A New Hope opens with a rebel ship being boarded by the tyrannical Darth Vader. The plot then follows the life of a simple farmboy, Luke Skywalker, as he and his newly met allies (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2) attempt to rescue a rebel leader, Princess Leia, from the clutches of the Empire. The conclusion is culminated as the Rebels, including Skywalker and flying ace Wedge Antilles make an attack on the Empires most powerful and ominous weapon, the Death Star.
  • Animal House 1978 Faber College has one frat house so disreputable it will take anyone. It has a second one full of white, anglo-saxon, rich young men who are so sanctimonious no one can stand them except Dean Wormer. The dean enlists the help of the second frat to get the boys of Delta House off campus. This film gives high-jinks and fooling around a bad name. P The dean's plan comes into play just before the homecoming parade to end all parades for all time.
So there you are. Those are our favorite movies. What are your favorites? If you can't think of three, list at least one!

Here are a few of the responses we received:
DJ - Amelie 2001, The Departed 2006, About a Boy 2002


  1. One of my favorite movies is Amelie. It is French and has subtitles, but it is a very happy film. The Departed, while violent, is also a great film. About a Boy is always an entertaining watch. I don't have the years they were made and all that, but I am sure the Pohicks can get that info if they want it.

  2. Thanks DJ,

    I must admit, that I have not seen even one of the movies that you listed on your favorite movie list. I may have to expand my movie genre somewhat. Thanks for the list.

