Saturday, March 08, 2008

Snow Storm of the Century (Disaster Preparation)

For the last several days, the folks in Northern Alabama have geared up for bad weather as the snow storm of the century was preparing to moved into the area. Residents of the city prepared for the impending crisis by purchasing every last bottle of bottled water, every last loaf of bread and every last bottle of milk off the shelves of the local grocery stores. Do you think there won't be any more water after the snow comes? Lines at the gas stations were at least a mile long. This really annoyed Jake because his gas tank was empty and he didn't have any choice but to wait in line with all of the folks in panic mode.
The morning after the big snow, Jake looked out the window and indeed, the area had received a dusting of snow. It didn't stick to the roads mind you, but it was quite lovely none the less. Upon turning on the TV and tuning in to WAFF the local news channel, Jake learned that the entire region had come to a halt. Roads were closed, schools were shut down and activities were canceled. Jake and Molly both grew up in the North East and have experienced bad winter weather before. This certainly wasn't it. Northern Alabama appears to have dodged the bullet, but if your area is preparing for a impending disaster, here are a few resources that may help you out.

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