Thursday, April 17, 2008

Alabama All State Band Auburn University

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Scribbles was selected to represent her school as part of the Alabama All State Band festival. She was one of the two students selected for this honor. The festival is being conducted this year at Auburn University. Today, Jake and Scribbles drove to Auburn from Northern Alabama which is about a four hour drive. Auburn University has approximately 24,000 students and it appeared to Jake and Scribbles that every one of them was out on the streets today. It took forever to find the music building and then a place to park.
The first event after arriving in Auburn was to audition for seating in the band. In all, there are approximately 650 students participating in the festival which is broken down into four separate bands. All 650 were preparing for their auditions at the same time in the wooded grove outside of the music hall. The cacophony (jarring, discordant sound) was just a little overwhelming. The Scribbles spent approximately 40 minutes preparing for her audition which lasted all of 5 minutes. We will find out tonight at 5:30 PM how she did. Then she will begin a three hour rehearsal with her band from 6:30 - 9:30 PM. That's it for now. I will post another note later letting you know how everything is going.

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