Monday, May 26, 2008

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

On the way back from Knoxville, Tennessee, the Pohicks decided to make a small excursion and check out Rock City in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Unfortunately, they didn't do their homework very well. At the bottom of the mountain, they saw a sign for the Lookout Mountain Incline Railway. They somehow convinced themselves that the way to get to Rock City was to take the Incline Railway. Up the mountain they went. When they reached the top of the mountain, they saw a sign pointing towards Rock City and began hiking in that direction. Luckily, they hadn't gone very far when they saw another sign that said, "Rock City 3 Miles". Apparently both Rock City and the upper railway station are indeed at the top of the mountain, but they are separated by three miles. Oops. The ride up the mountain was still fun and the Pohicks will return another day to tour Rock City.

The Lookout Mountain Incline Railway is an inclined plane railway located along the side of Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in the United States. Passengers are transported from St. Elmo's Station at the base, to Point Park at the mountain summit, which overlooks the city and the Tennessee River. The railway is approximately one mile (1.6 km) in length (single track except for a short two-track stretch at the midway point, allowing operation of two cars at one time), and has a maximum grade of 72.7%. It is billed as the world's steepest passenger railway.

The Incline Railway opened on November 16, 1895, and was the second of two inclines constructed on Lookout Mountain; the first was the Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain Railway, which operated from 1886 to 1898. The railway is now operated by the Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority, the area's public transit agency.

Official Websites
Lookout Mountain Incline Railway
Chattanooga Tennessee Official Tourism Site

Wikipedia Links
Lookout Mountain Incline Railway
Chattanooga Tennessee
Rock City

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