Friday, May 23, 2008

President's Award for Educational Excellence

Sarah did a great job in school this year. She achieved straight A's. In honor of her achievement, she was awarded the President's Award for Educational Excellence. The President's Education Awards Program, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education, in partnership with the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, was developed to help principals recognize and honor those students who have achieved high academic goals by their hard work and dedication to learning. Students are eligible for one of two honors: the President's Award for Educational Excellence or the President's Award for Educational Achievement. For each award students receive certificates signed by the President, the U.S. Secretary of Education and you. A congratulatory letter from the President is included with the awards.

Government Link: US Department of Education - Purpose, Eligibility, FAQ, Applicant Info, Awards, Laws, Guidance and Contact Information.

Organization Link: National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) - Explanation of the award program, criteria to receive award and form to request awards.

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