How to know if a bug is in your ear
- People with a bug in their ear often report the following symptoms: popping, crunching, fluttery, ticklish, or buzzing sound in the affected ear.
- There are a number of insects that can and will enter your ear. Of the many types of insects that can get into ears, gnats, moths, and roaches are the most common. Gnats get tangled in the wax and cannot fly out. Bigger insects cannot turn around; neither can they crawl backwards. They keep on struggling, and their motion can be painful and frightening.
- Your best bet is to seek qualified medical treatment. If no medical treatment is available, use the following steps.
- First the safety warning: Never try to remove an insect with tweezers, bobby pins, cotton swabs or any other object. This can lodge the insect deeper in the ear canal. It can also damage the ear drum leading to permanent hearing loss. Don't do it!
- Stay Calm. If you are treating someone else, especially a child, stay calm. This will help your patient stay calm as well.
- Have the patient lean over with their ear facing upwards.
- Fill the ear with baby oil, mineral oil, vegetable oil or olive oil. This will kill the insect and cause it to stop moving. If you don't have access to one of the oils listed above, you can attempt to use clean water only.
- Flush the ear with warm water allowing it to overflow. Watch carefully for the insect to be flushed out.
- If you are unable to fully remove the insect using this technique, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
Here is what it looks like when you have a bug in your ear. Video.
Disclaimer: Jake is not a medical doctor. The information and techniques present on this website are provided as a public service and should not be considered sound medical advice. If you experience any of the symptoms listed on this website, you should seek sound medical advice as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteI hope it really work and now i learn to protect my ears from anything.
ReplyDeleteIt is very interesting for me to read this blog. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.
ReplyDeletecrazy...this just happened to my husband...small 'no seeum' flew in his ear...this worked for us...thanks for the tips as it saved us a trip to the E.R.
ReplyDeleteWow ril helpfull, its 2 am n i had dis litle ant in my ear n its africa its jst lucky i av an internet enabled phone n kem acros d produce n nw am lukin at d litle buglar wu was tryin 2 go deeper in2 ma ear 5 min ago. Thnx alot
ReplyDeleteHas a spider in my ear could hear strange noise in eat felt it crawl out quickly put my finger to ear squashed it dead spider on finger yuk omg freaked me out
DeleteMy husband has a bug in his ear he killed it but didn't get it out he doesn't have insurance and refuses to go to the hospital what do I do
Deletehad a dadgum cockroach crawl in my ear...tried flushing him out with water; that just made him more agitated. I think he is trying to crawl thru to the other ear..ouch.
ReplyDeleteI went to a baseball game with my boyfried like a week ago and we were on our way to leave when a bug fly in my ear, I was freaking out and crying my poor bf had no idea what to do or how to calm me down, we went into his truck and he called his sister (the same thing happened to her a year back) she told him to shine a light in your ear. He did and about a min or two later the bug came out. It was such a crazy experience and hurt like hell. But I have to say this method worked really well,
ReplyDeleteThis happened to me last night. A beetle crawled in my ear while sleeping. I went frantic and it hurt like hell. My husband tried to take it out but he couldn't take it out. By This time I was screaming in pain. My husband rushed to get my neighbor to help. She flushed the ear with hydrogen peroxide and it finally came out. My ear still hurts and throbs a bit. Now I am scared to death of bugs and will wear cotton in my ears before going to sleep.
ReplyDeleteWell have had this itching feeling in my right ear for a couple of days and also, what sounded or felt like water in the ear. As I live out near Death Valley, not much lakes to jump in, but still thought I was getting an ear infection. So put some hydrogen preoxide onto a loose end of a Q-tip and slowly cleaned my ear (thinking it was ear wax problem) but when I pulled the Q-tip out,,,what looked like a very small piece of ear wax with both ends dark and it ws not moving. Got a magnifying glass and looked at it, and it had legs LOL. Poured hydrogen peroxide into my ear let it boil away, turned and cleaned it. No more bugs, but will do again soon. This added June 26, 2010
ReplyDeleteToday I had a cricket/grass hopper in my ear! It first felt like water was in it. Then it got painful and some blood came out. Went to the hospital and on the way there i think it died cause it didn't hurt as much. Nurse checked in my ear and saw the bug. Tryed flushing it with water and nothing came out. She then got some tweezer tool and pulled it out!
ReplyDeleteok i passed out and woke up two hours later from a dead sleep listening to what appears to be a damn bug posting up in my ear!!! so naturally i freaked out!!! and i tried to use a q tip to get it out before it got too deep.... think it made it worse, so i went and woke up mom, she tried to flush it out with peroxide and water, after a good few mins in pain... we had no luck. im still freaking out she said wait for morning to go to the clinic, i want to no, is it posible for the thing to just keep going and never come back out?? email me pls it hurts!! tolock9@yahoo
ReplyDeleteyuck!! i hate insects now..they make my ear their hideout
ReplyDeleteHi. I just returned from Mexico. I woke up with noise like wind in my ear a feeling like a worm moving and shooting jaw pain. i called my friend to my bedside and we turned on the lamp. I stayed still with my ear up and slowly blew through my nose a couple long times. The thing was moving, it hurt from ear to jaw and then the tinest ant crawled out. amazing. i think the light helped too.
ReplyDeletei have a roach in my ear its so uncomfortable and what i read on the internet about it i have only two options left this or a trip to the er
ReplyDeleteNow that is why I wear headphones,
ReplyDeletewith no bugs on it at least.
Thanks so so much! The oil worked wonders! My Dad thought a bug dropped into his ear, he rinsed it with water and had me look in it, but no bug so after a while convinced himself that it was nothing. I looked online and after reading this and some other sites saying the same thing, he put some canola oil in his ear and a SPIDER darted out instantly. The smothering oil had the spider making a very quick escape....UGHHH! my skin is still crawling! I hope it didn't bit him though :( Thanks again, gr8 tips!
ReplyDeleteJust used the mineral oil method to drown and then a bulb with warm water to flush out...worked like a charm. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWater works ty God
Deletethanks, it really helps.
ReplyDeleteA bug went in my left ear at 3am today while I was sleeping. Dad pored oil in my ear but now the bug is still Dead in my ear n I want it remove.. Its itching me!!!
ReplyDeletei've have this constant fluttering in my right ear for a couple weeks and think its a bug. i tried mineral oil, water, peroxide but nothing worked and the fluttering continues. there is no pain at all though, just some annoyance at hearing the flutter periodically. what is the likelihood that this is a bug and not some ear condition?
ReplyDeleteanother possible is pain because im in alot of pain right now and im pretty sure its a roach
ReplyDeleteThis better work ......damn this bug.
ReplyDeleteThis bug is so damn annoying and I can't get to sleep tried everything but still no use
ReplyDeleteThanks so much. I thought I was going crazy, sounded like a mouse scurrying in my ear. Used a medicine dropper with olive oil. I'm off to the walk-in since I couldn't/don't want to get it out myself. Even though it's still in there I feel 100% better knowing it's DEAD!
ReplyDeleteI woke up from a dead sleep with the creepy,ticklish sensation in my left ear I immediately freaked out,I felt as if I'm going crazy.I knew what to do but I was
ReplyDeletescared.The's no buzzing sound I think its dead.I'm gonna squash it until I'm sure dat it dead.Bloody thing!!!crying for my peaceful sleep.
thanks this worked! i kept repeating the process until a baby spider came out.
ReplyDeleteThanks it work for me I just got a big roach out of my ear with the oil.
ReplyDeleteMy fiancé just freaked out, saying a bug flew in his ear! I put my ear up to his & heard it fluttering EWW! I googled what to do, followed the instructions on this site & out flushed the bug! THANK YOU!!
ReplyDeleteI went fishing over the Memorial holiday and I believe I have a TICK in my ear! I do not have any health insurance to go to the ER, and I am broke as a bad joke- HELPPP!!
ReplyDeleteomg i hope this works, i was standing out side when something flew right into my ear ,fluttered for a while and its now stoped, hope it wasnt a flying roach,ive seen some flying around out here lately,hope its just a moth , please wish me luck here i go
ReplyDeleteThis worked perfectly. My daughter got up this morning crying that there was a bug in her ear and that she kept feeling it move. She tried peroxide but it worked. I tried this method and I didnt even have to flush with the warm water. The roach came out with the oil. We used olive oil. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :)
ReplyDeleteNow I can say there was a roach in my ear.I was sleeping and felt something on my ear and the stupid thing went in the earcanal.My mum killed it with alcohol and tried flushing it out but it didnt work.Now we wait for clinic to open. I feel like burning the room to kill all the damned roaches
ReplyDeleteI woke up hearin buzzing and I instantly freaked out cuz im on a camping trip so I think its a bug wish me luck and thank god for four g smart phones this better work
ReplyDeletethis site saved my life!! got an earwig out of my ear with baby oil. i hate bugs so much!! thank you thank you thank you for posting this info!
ReplyDeleteIs there a tool in wal mart I can use to see deep in my ear?
ReplyDeleteI woke up to a sound of legs scurrying in my right ear. I freaked out instantly n right away knew it was a bug. I tried getting it out with my finger since I was in panic, probably nit the best idea. I woke my mom n we put some oil in my ear I cant hear it anymore im guessing its dead. We tried gettig it out with water but no luck so far. Still not even sure what kind of bug it is. I just hope the rest of the oil gets out later on and hopefully with whatever creature decided to camp out in my ear ;_;
ReplyDeleteooooooooooooooooo thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss alllllllllllllllooooooot
ReplyDeleteI got bug in my ear and i was so tense i saw your post i put hot olive oil using a cotton and bug got out alive on cotton
now bug is fine and i am also fine
This just happened to me and I freaked out. If this happens to you, remain calm; everything is going to be ok. The olive oil worked to drown the bug and stop it from fluttering. However, I could not hear after I put the oil in my ear and that freaked me out even more. I spent four plus hours in the er and the doctors were unable to remove the bug. They tried irrigating my ear and then using two different instruments to remove the bug but nothing worked. Both instruments were extremely painful and produced blood and tears. I left the er in pain and my ear was bleeding due to the excessive force used by the er doctors. Three days later, I made an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat specialist. Thank heaven I did because the doctor was able to remove the sizeable bug with NO PAIN and in about TWO MINUTES. The specialist also vacuumed out the bug debris and blood in my ear. Lastly, he gave me anti-biotic drops to put in my ear to prevent an infection. Bottom line, use oil to kill the bug, irrigate the ear with peroxide after and if this doesn't remove the bug, PLEASE GO TO A SPECIALIST. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AT THE ER!!!
ReplyDeleteI've had the same thing going on for 4 months now and it's so creepy. Going to try the oil tonight, so praying it works,really bothers me at night to, when I lay on that ear it feels like my ears draining.
DeleteThank You Jesus amen!!
ReplyDeleteSo, I heard something buzz near my ear and I freaked because the same ear has been itchy and I have been thinking that it is swollen. My mom said it was fine but I heard stories about people getting bugs in their ear and having the bug lay eggs. Now, I'm 13 so hearing that is scary as heck. I was probably just paranoid but still, its scary. I also felt tickling in the ear like I had some of my hair in it. My mom told be it was the living room fan blowing the hairs in my ear around. I still insisted on at least turning the lights off and shining a light in my ear. After awhile nothing came out. As I type this my ear feels no tickling, or itching. So that calms me because all of this happened 5 minutes ago. Thank you for the oil tips though. I did stick a swab in my ear and then read this so I freaked even more. (like on the verge of tears) Now I know that if I really have a bug in my ear, I know what to do.
Thank you for the instruction. In a panic my little girl said a gnat flew in her ear and was laying eggs in her brain and she was going to die very soon. Olive oil washed it right out into the sink. She is going to live!
ReplyDeleteThat works great!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot
Last night a bug got into my ear. We drowned it with olive oil and slept hopping it would fall out. In the morning nothing was out, so we tried flashing with water. Nothing. Then tried a couple of times with a syringe with no success. Just when we were ready to quit, we tried a last time with extra force and a whole mosquito came out!
ReplyDeleteThank you! what a relief!
ReplyDeletethank you! relief!
ReplyDeleteI think a roach might have crawled in my ear. I could feel it moving, I tried digging it out with no luck. I poured some vegetable oil in ny rat then flushed it with water twice. I don't know if it came out but I don't feel anything moving around in my ear now. If my ear doesn't hurt any the rest of the day I think I'll wear ear plugs to bed tonight.:(
ReplyDeleteWOW! This is really, REALLY common! I stumbled across this post after freaking out this morning after I felt something crawl into my ear! 10 minutes later I got it out with a pair of tweezers, which I know is the one thing i'm not supposed to do, but I was in a panic cause things crawling into my ear is a big fear of mine!! I was more disturbed AFTER I pulled it out than while it was in there! I am just glad it came out in one piece and that the only thing worse that it could have been would have been a spider, so I dunno, but it is definitely interesting to see just how many people this happens to! Thanks for the article! I will put oil on my list for next time, should I ever sleep long enough for anything to ever crawl in there again!
ReplyDeleteWOW! This is really, REALLY common! I stumbled across this post after freaking out this morning after I felt something crawl into my ear! 10 minutes later I got it out with a pair of tweezers, which I know is the one thing i'm not supposed to do, but I was in a panic cause things crawling into my ear is a big fear of mine!! I was more disturbed AFTER I pulled it out than while it was in there! I am just glad it came out in one piece and that the only thing worse that it could have been would have been a spider, so I dunno, but it is definitely interesting to see just how many people this happens to! Thanks for the article! I will put oil on my list for next time, should I ever sleep long enough for anything to ever crawl in there again!
ReplyDeleteI don't get it. are we supposed to fill the ear with oil and turn sideways? please I'm so upset I am going crazy with the movements of the cockroach
ReplyDeleteThank you. Had a bug in my ear at one amand l flushed it out with veggie oil. it was an ant. so scary.
ReplyDeleteI live in Puerto Rico last night i went to the beach. When i went to the showered something flew en my ear i haveint sleept shit i feel like I'm going crazy hearing this buzzing in my ear hope this works cus i hate hospitals ill let y'all know if anything :/
ReplyDeleteI was in Ecaudor when a bigger bug flew in my ear. I went straight to the ER and they put lidocaine and then tried to flush out with a syringe and long plastic needle, using 500 ml of warmed saline but the bug would not come out. The next day I went to San Jose, the capital, and went to a larger hospital, again to the ER. They tried again but this time with long tweezers while opening my ear canal with a small forceps while using a huge surgical lighting system to light everything up. Again they could not get the bug out, it had locked its small pinchers on all 6 legs into the canal of my ear and was as far back as possible and a bit larger than the ear canal and had crawled and wedged itself in completely. All he could get with the tweezers was a samll piece of the backside (the bum). And I was now bleeding a bit from the ear canal. I had a flight to catch back to the states on the following morning and my wife was to book me into a ear nose and throat specialist when I got home. I am sitting here now at my house in florida, it is 8:40 am and my appointment is at 9:30 and the bug has been in my ear now for 54 hours and I am creaped out. I have minor pain and pressure in my ear and want the thing out....
ReplyDeletethank you for this tip! Saved us a trip to er and huge inconvenience.
ReplyDeleteI can feel it in my ear :((((((((((
ReplyDeleteI was camping & a bug crawled in my ear! I remained calm & I put pressure on the ear w/ my finger to prevent the bug from moving. We were camping at a natural mineral hot springs. After discussing w/ others there, I put my head under water with the "bug ear" side up. I came up for air about 8 times, staying under water as long as possible! Then I lay back & allowed both ears to stay underwater-- just breathing, looking at the stars. The next day I put my ear in the gushing stream of water-- allowing the water to flow in & out as much as possible. After getting all the water out of my ear it seems OK now (almost 3 days have passed).
ReplyDeleteSo last night, morning of 6/12/2013, I was asleep next to my girlfriend. I had been working 7 days a week, and was exhausted. It seemed like it was going to be one of the best nights sleep I'd had in awhile. Until a beetle landed on my ear.. I went to brush it off, and the little monster went into my ear! Now I've experienced a number of different pain in my life. From broken limbs to tooth pain. However, this was a whole new level for me. I got up freaking out, and scared my girlfriend half to death. every time I shook my head or put my finger near my ear it would try to dig in deeper, which would bring me to my knees, I was pouring water into my ear, trying to flush it out. Little did i know is that beetle was not leaving. I understood that it wasn't the beetles fault, and that I scared it to make it go in my ear. But the pain was immense that I even attempted to take tweezers to rip it out. After about 45mins of this I decided to go to the ER. As i was going to the car to be driven to the hospital, the beetle started struggling and brought me to my knees with the pain. The beetle then started moving out and left my ear. I would consider this to be a form of torture.
ReplyDeleteI dont know what was going on. I was walking my dog and all of a sudden something felt like it was crawling on me. Then I heard something like it was in my ear. guess what made that trip to er and they saw nothing. the doctor told me to use warm water to flush the my ear out if the sound happen again
ReplyDeleteYesterday at work while wearing a headset, I felt this ticklish feeling like something was crawling in my ear. I immediately dropped everything I was doing and started pouring water in my ear. I took a piece of paper towel to see if something came out, and I saw some small bug on the paper towel. So problem solved right, the bug is out...right? Wrong! When I got home from work, my head started hurting! It was this sharp pain that was very irritating. This was more than enough to set me off. I rushed to the bathroom to try and flush it out with olive oil and water, but I don't think that did much. I don't know if the bug is still in there or not, but I'm going to a walk-in clinic tomorrow to see if anything unwelcomed remains in my ear. I used to love bugs as a kid, but that love somehow turned into hatred. This little incident isn't helping either!!!!
ReplyDeleteA roach crawled in my left ear while I was sleep . I tried the vegetable oil and water and I don't feel it moving anymore but I'm not sure if it's out . I don't feel anything anymore
ReplyDeleteI had a bug in my ear, so I took a shower and tried to get rid of it. After 5 min in the shower, I saw a small bug on the floor of the shower. Not sure if it was the bug that was in my ear or a different one. I don't hear anything or feel anything, but do you think it's out?
ReplyDeleteThis little beetle looking bug went to my ear and I freaked out! I was going to try the flush out method, but instead put a light bulb by my ear and it came out. So disgusting...yuck...ill. I hate insects!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I thought I was loosing my freaking mind. Woke up while in California with the feeling that something was crawling around in my ear. I thought I was dreaming at first. Shook around digging at my ear, very painful. Put warm water in my ear while that booger moved around. Did it about three or four times for about 2 minutes each. Didn't see anything come out but no more pain and no more movement.
ReplyDeletevisiting nyc ...... got a huge earwig in my ear. it felt as if i had water in my ear. the second time it happened i cupped my ear and tried to suction it out with my hand. before ya know it this huge thing crawled out! i flushed my ear with warm water just to rinse it out. my ear is still sore. i read online its normal because of the movement inside the ear drum. hydro peroxide is another way to get it out because the solution pushes debris to the surface.
ReplyDeleteThis really works I put cooking oil in my ear and the bug poped right out .
ReplyDeleteI really thought I would never be on here but that really works I tried it but I cant get it out I guess I try putting warm water in my ear but I stuck a bobby pin in my ear not deep in my ear but to just see what I could feel I hope I haven't did nothing to me it work I hope this warm water
ReplyDeleteThis happened to me today I woke my mom up at 5 in the morning when it happened. I was scared as hell and when she tried to get it out I cried but couldn't get it out. Then the school nurse used tweezers and got it out and I'm too scared to go to sleep without anything in my ears now. I just wear my earbuds now and hope that solves the problem....
ReplyDeleteThe olive oil really worked for me. I was riding my bike and it was at night and this bug flew in my ear. I put the oil in and them flushed with water and it came out. IT WAS A BIG BUG.
ReplyDeleteI left my window open and there's litturaly a million bugs in my room, But I'm worried about what it might have been and if I took care of wrong. I woke up at midnight with a strange sound and feeling in my ear so I rush into the bathroom and jammed a q tip in my ear. A little bit of the bug came out, vary little. Now my ear is vary uncomfortable and its to late to wake anyone up... Idk what to do I think I jammed the bugs body deeper in my ear so I can't reach it.
ReplyDeletethis happened to me yesterday. i felt panicky and searched this. i was very thankful that nothing flushed ouy. i think the insect went out already when i was sleeping. my gosh, the insect was in my ear for few hours. eww
ReplyDeletei woke up around 2 in the morning to a roach cawling in my ear. It sounded like water and it itched. I freaked out and started jamming qtips in my ear, i'm afraid that might've pushed it deeper in. I kept hitting myself thinkng it'll come out lol. Then i tried flushing it out with water, as i have no oil. I didn't see anything come out, i think it's dead and still in my ear, and it's freaking me out. I have school in two hours so i'll proably TRY to get some sleep and go to the school clinic. Also my little brother said it looks like it might be in there still so... yea probably no sleep tonight.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the advice. Thank god I never had anything crawl into my ear but it's top ten Scarriest thing I can think about and as a mum of two this is powerful knowledge. Thank you
ReplyDeleteWhat bug was that in the boy's ear?
ReplyDeleteSo.I'm.not sure if I have a bug.in.my ear or.not but I had my blanket on my ear and out of nowhere it felt like something crawled in my ear I cried for a second. I had my mom check my ear to see if anything was in it she said no. I just put baby oil in my ear and didn't feel anything move unless I had to have the oil in longer. But I'm freaking out still. I have tinnitus but something like this has never happened to me before please help it's 2 am and I have work.
ReplyDeleteAn insect died in my ear. It's been 3 days. What should I do???