Saturday, June 07, 2008

Raspberry Harvest

Today, the Pohick's harvested the very first raspberry from the raspberry bushes they planted on the 20th of March. In honor of the occasion, the ceremonial first raspberry was cut into four pieces and the pieces were consumed by each member of the family. Though the serving size was small everyone thought that the fruit was quite tasty.

Considering that the trauma that the raspberry bushes underwent this year, it is a wonder that the bushes are producing any fruit at all. In mid April, a rabbit (Yes, we know who you are Mr. Rabbit) decided to eat all of the new growth from the raspberry bushes. The bushes were munched all the way down to the ground. We had almost decided to plow the plants under when we noticed them starting to grow again. They are apparently quite hardy. The variety we planted produces two crops per year. The first in the spring and a second crop in the fall. We are looking to lots of tasty raspberry treats in the years to come.

Harvesting Raspberries: What should you know about picking raspberries?
  • Be aware that raspberries do not ripen once picked. Avoid picking unripened berries.
  • Raspberries which have been picked will only last a day or so.
  • The best solution is to pick them on the day they are required and do not let them be crushed by their own weight.
  • All of the raspberries will not ripen at the same time. The berries will ripen over a period of several weeks.
  • The fruit does not all ripen at the same time, so harvesting can take place over several weeks.
  • Raspberries freeze very well and make tasty treats even when partially frozen.
Wikipedia Link: Raspberries
Organization Link:
North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association (NARBA)

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