Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snarly Kraut

A long standing tradition in the Pohick house is that when someone asks, "What's for Dinner", the wise guy response is, "Snarly Kraut and Reppy Snips". This tradition started with Molly's father, Mr. Boyardee. Jake however has taken this family tradition inherited from his father-in-law and carried it to the next level. Jake sings songs and injects "Snarly Kraut" any time he does not know the actual words to the song. Some folks use the word watermelon in a similar fashion. This word substitution drives Molly crazy for some reason which just encourages Jake to do it all the more. Molly has an uncanny ability to remember every word to every song. She routinely plays along with the show "Don't forget the Lyrics" and rarely misses a word. Jake sometimes pretends that he is a capable of playing along by searching the lyrics on the internet in the other room and calling over as if he actually knew the words to the song. Nobody actually believes that he knows the words though. In any event, Jake is ready for the upcomming Christmas season when he can loudly sing all of the old classics such as "Oh Snarly Kraut", "Deck the Halls with Snarly Kraut", and "Oh Little Town of Snarly Kraut".


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Snarly Kraut, Snarly Kraut. I can dig the use. However, Jake, it does seem that you are neglecting the Reppy Snips a bit. Are Reppy Snips the Jan Brady of this little scenario? Feliz Reppy Snips.....Feliz Reppy snips....

  2. I did not intentionally neglect the Reppy Snips. I actually asked Mr. Boyardee this evening what exactly a Reppy Snip was. I didn't get much of an answer. So alas, Reppy Snips are doomed to go thru history as the peaches of peaches and herb fame.

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Your photo appears in the following link which you may not like.

  4. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I never knew there was a show named "Don't Forget the Lyrics." Maybe Molly and I should team up and get ourselves on the show. We'd be rich! We'll have to formulate our plan and practice next week.
