Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Get Motivated Seminar

Jake had the opportunity today to attend a "Get Motivated Seminar".

The Get Motivated Seminar is world famous for its energizing, action-packed, star-studded, fun-filled, spectacular stage show. The seminar is organized by Peter and Tamara Lowe.

The good. The show was a lot of fun and it included some really motivating speakers including:
  • Rick Belluzzo, Legendary President of Microsoft
  • Rudy Guiliani, America's Mayor
  • Bryan Flanagan, Top Communication Skills Expert
  • Dr. Robert Schuller, America's Best Inspirational Speaker
  • Tamara Lowe, Top Sales Expert and Author of Get Motivated!
  • Zig Ziglar, America's #1 Motivator
The Bad. In between the head liners we were subjected to several infomercials from a number of get rich quick schemes. Make $40,000 per month using our simple no risk solution that is so easy even a chimp could use it. But obviously this sales technique was effective because I estimate that a good 20% of the 14,000 folks in attendance plunked down their money. I wish them luck and I think that our fair city will be pretty well off with all of the new millionaires that we are going to have.

Despite the infomercials, I still had a great time and would recommend the Get Motivated Seminar. It was hard not to get at least a little bit motivated with the great speakers, music, fireworks and confetti.

Tell me if you been to a "Get Motivated Seminar" and what your thoughts were.

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