Monday, February 16, 2009

Listerine Agent Cool Blue Glacier Mint

Remember those little pink tablets that they used to give us in elementary school to teach us about dental hygiene? We would chew the tablets which would color the dirty part of our teeth a bright pink color. Apparently those little pink pills are old school. Today's replacement is a product from Listerine called Listerine Agent Cool Blue Tinting Rinse, Glacier Mint.

With the plaque tinted blue, kids can easily see those places that they need to brush better. Agent Cool Blue is alcohol free and comes in two flavors: Bubble Blast and Glacier Mint.

We only used to get the little pink tablets about once a year in my school. With Listerine Agent Cool Blue, your kids can use this simple but effective tool every day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Um, wow, someone needs to practice her brushing skills. There is a sea of blue in that smile.
