Friday, March 20, 2009

Disney's Magic Kingdom

We spent the last two days at Disney's Magic Kingdom. Day one was very crowded, but the second day was great. It is amazing what a difference one day makes. We debated why attendance would be so different on a Friday compared to Thursday. We aren't really sure, but we all agreed that the park is much more enjoyable when it is not so crowded.

The girls took a little time to pose with one of Scribble's favorite Disney Characters Stitch. It was interesting because after waiting in line to meet Stitch, he had to take a break. We were disappointed, but after a one minute break he was back. And a little taller. And with a different handler. Hmmmm... How unusual.
We also took a little time to do a little shopping. Jake had to try on the classic mouse ears. Disney now has about a thousand variations on the theme though.
The weather has been great all week. Every day so far, it has been about 80 degrees and sunny. We have been careful to wear hats and have used a lot of sunscreen.
Every once in awhile we had to take a look at the map to re-evaluate our strategy. Usually Jake was sent ahead to get fast passes for a ride. It is a lot more fun to make use of the fast pass system and walk right past all of the people who have been waiting in line for about an hour.
Scribbles did a little driving practice on the Disney Speedway. Jake hopes that she does better on her real driving test which she should be taking soon.
Not to be outdone, Sarah Ray did some driving as well. This was the first time that she was old enough to drive herself.
Jake and Molly have decided to get some of these stocks for the house. It is a great time out and attitude readjustment tool.
At the end of the day, we caught the Magic Kingdom Parade and said hello and goodbye to the main mouse.

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