Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 2009

Alas another Halloween has come and gone in Pohick. It was a good year though. Last year we only had 27 Trick or Treaters. This year we more than doubled the number of ghoulies and ghosties with 66. There were two really large groups who came as a pack.  Safety in numbers I guess.

So what was new this year you may ask.  Well, First we added 7 new songs to the sound track.  These songs included:
Next we synchronized the light display with our updated soundtrack.  We also added a new fog machine.  The old one hadn't been working right for a couple of years.  We also added some plastic but realistic looking Jack-O-Lanterns.  Many of the folks who stopped by commented that Jake had the best decorated house in the neighborhood. This of course went straight to Jake's head and he is already trying to figure out what he can do next year to top this year's "Show". Hmmmm... Does anyone know if it is legal to import live vampire bats? Gonna have to think about that for a bit.


  1. Miss. Luig9:11 PM

    Yay Jake! Sounds very festive and if I ever sell this house, we will be decorating too!

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Jake, I liked your deccoration and also your hat. I don't know about the live bats for next year. Love, Mom
