Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas in Pohick

Merry Christmas from Pohick Ya'll.  We had a great Christmas this year.  We celebrated Christmas with a candlelight service at Messiah Lutheran Church in Madison, Alabama.  After church, it was home to hang the stockings by the chimney with care in hope that Saint Nicholas would soon be there.

The girls are obviously getting old because this year instead of waking up Jake and Molly, Jake and Molly had to wake up the girls. Jake waited until he just couldn't stand it any longer. After opening up some gifts, we celebrated with a traditional Christmas dinner of stuffed shells and garlic bread. What? Who says that isn't traditional. Since we had a large traditional turkey dinner while Jake's mother was here last week, we decided to have something just a little different. For the rest of the day, we just hung out and enjoyed each others company. A perfect Christmas.

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