Saturday, March 18, 2006

StarrySpark and Grocery Girl - Episode 24D

Extract from "Who's Who in the World's Super Heros"

Hi, I'm Sunset Girl!

Real name: Princess Ama-Leia

Super Power: Mega-Screech, incapacitates her opponent with her voice. Able to change into superhero outfit in under 4.6 seconds, Acts as translator for Rumblin Stumblin Foot (RSF).

Secret Identity: Student and Charm School Instructor

Weaknesses: Disputed property claims with RSF, Chocolate, Darkness, Scary Things

Known Associates: Brother of Rumblin Stumble Foot and Cousin of StarrySpark and Grocery Girl.

Enemies: Bad guys, Rude Behavior and Bad Fashion Sense.

Recently separated from Rumblin Stumble Foot due to a territorial dispute. To be released from incarceration at the East wing of the Etters Home Boot Camp shortly.

Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode of StarrySpark and Grocery Girl. Episode 25 - Help has Arrived.

StarrySpark and Grocery Girl Episode Guide.

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