Sunday, March 12, 2006

StarrySpark and Grocery Girl - Episode 18

Attempting to save the citizens of Opolis, StarrySpark and Grocery Girl have landed in the midst of the Leprechaun King's army of evil little leprechauns.

StarrySpark: As a card carrying member of the super hero crime fighting union, I am required to offer you evil little leprechauns a chance to surrender. Any takers?

Evil Little Leprechauns: tah too guh mahl (Translation: You are too late)

StarrySpark: Are you sure? Anyone....? Anyone....? Ok then, go ahead you evil little leprechauns and do your best.

Just as the evil little leprechauns fired their mind control rays, StarrySpark produces her secret weapon. Her secret weapon is a disco ball which reflects the mind control rays back at the evil little leprechauns. Who said nothing good ever came out of the seventies.

Evil Little Leprechaun: Glas tairge bainne.... Glas tairge bainne.... Glas tairge bainne....(Do I need to translate? Oh very well..... Green Milk Shake....Green Milk Shake....)

What will happen now that the Leprechaun King's army of evil little leprechauns have momentarily stunned themselves with their own mind control rays? Will disco music make a comeback? Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode of StarrySpark and Grocery Girl. Episode 19 - Bowling for Leprechauns.

StarrySpark and Grocery Girl Episode Guide.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Good call StarySpark, let them little buggers reflect on their own dastardly deeds. Pun intended, it’s going to take all three of them and a bit of teamwork to even buy a green milkshake. They could stand on each other shoulders and have the top one order at the counter. Glas tairge bainne.... Glas tairge bainne.... Glas tairge bainne...., don’t think the burger flipper will have a Leprechaun translation encyclopedia. They would probably ask, “Want some fries with your Glas tairge bainne.... Glas tairge bainne.... Glas tairge bainne.... or would you like to super size it? They just have to watch out if they use the drive through window they will probably short them an item or forget to give them the toy. They always get you through the drive through. I bet that probably has something to do with the Leprechaun King too.
