Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mouse War - Choosy Mice Choose Jif

For the last couple of nights, one of the mice has been torturing King Jake. This mouse devised a diabolical method to extract the cracker and peanut butter bait from the mouse trap without becoming trapped. And just to rub Jake's nose in his prowess, the mouse didn't even eat the cracker. Instead, he merely licked the Jif Peanut butter from the cracker and left the cracker uneaten next the trap like a little calling card. Jake was becoming more and more frustrated. Finally, he said to himself, "I must think like the mouse. I must get inside his head." Ah ha! Jake had the solution. Instead of putting the peanut butter on the cracker, he put it directly into the back of the trap. The result was mouse number nine trapped like a rat. King Jake did a little happy dance in front of the royal family. Queen Molly said to Jake, "I can't believe you are actually excited because you managed to out smart a mouse!" Any way, if you would like to see Jake taunting the mouse, check out this exclusive pohick video (mousemovie.wmv 2MB).

Mouse War Index


  1. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Ooohhh - I'm squeemish, so this photo may prevent me from sleeping tonight (Such a girl.)

    I used to have a studio downtown, that had its share of rats. One day the landlord decided to put some of those sticky traps in my cabinet to catch the varmints. The pads were huge - around five inches by eight inches. And the next morning? The pads were gone, and we were freaked out to think how large those suckers must have been to run off with those pads stuck to their legs.

    (thanks for visiting my blog. love yours!)

  2. I had a pet mouse once...and two pet rats...and I can assure you that mice are intelligent critters! Thank you for sharing this. I love mice!

    p.s. The movie is still loading as I'm on a dial-up.

    God bless you!

  3. I had a similar euphoria after getting some squirrels out of the roof. It was one of the proudest days of my life.

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Did you know that if you could jump at the same ratio that the mouse did you would be able to stand and jump right onto the roof of a single story house. It seems obvious that you did not take my advise in an earlier edition of the Mouse War. I now am convinced that you are enjoying this or you sealed in all entrances and there are that many crawling in the spaces of the walls. If you hear scratching coming from a wall it’s probably a mouse trying to get to a crossover point. You might be able to assist them getting out if you leave the outlet cover off. Don’t think you want them passing in the wall, would have to get some room deodorizers. Oh yea! Remember the fat one you caught a few days back. My guess is that it’s not fat on your peanut butter. Mice are quite active and I mean active if you know what I mean. I would wager that it was getting ready to have babies. Oh my I said it, sorry Molly, hope it did not follow Jake back home for the Mile. I would bet that Jake has not been doing his daily recommended allowance of jogging, he probably walked really fast and in a serpentine fashion, that really don’t work so nice try Jake. You might as well put out the welcome mat. If you can’t beat them join them, peanut butter and crackers anyone?

  5. LOL...I have enjoyed reading the "Mouse War". But I was thinking yesterday, (just as I clicked the little thing to go to the next blog...figures)have you thought to employ the services of a furry feline friend? I have heard that they are incredibly good at catching said mice.
