Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bug In Your Ear

How to Safely Remove a bug from your ear.

"Let me put a bug in your ear." Have you ever heard this old saying? King Jake said this to Princess StarrySpark yesterday. Princess StarrySpark, despite being recently inducted in the National Junior Honor Society, immediately covered her ears with her hands. What are you doing Jake asked? I don't want you to put a bug in my ear. Jake blinked. It doesn't actually mean I'm going to put a bug in your ear, it just means that I want you to think about something. It's just an old saying. StarrySpark not removing her hands from her ears stated, "I don't believe you. You are always doing stuff like that." Disclaimer: Though Jake has indeed been know to pull a prank or two in his days, it has never involved the use of live insects. If you don't believe me, go ask your mother. StarrySpark asked Queen Molly, "Have you ever heard the expression, let me put a bug in your ear?" Queen Molly stated, "Yes, It's an idiom. It's like saying you have ants in your pants or I put my foot in my mouth. The words aren't meant literally." So there you have it. Though Jake did not know what the word idiom meant, he did indeed know one at least. StarrySpark remained unconvinced though and remained extra vigilant for the remainder of the day whenever Jake was around.

How to Safely Remove a bug from your ear.

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