Sunday, May 07, 2006

Stealing Occurs in Pohick

Pohick National News (PNN) - May 6, 2006. Today the Pohick Pixies pummeled the Kastle Kitties in a 12 - 5 rout. All of the girls on the royal softball team did a great job. Princess Yellow Hair batted .500 and also stole two bases including home. King Jake was at first stunned at the thought of teaching young girls to steal and was about to issue a decree forbidding the practice. The team coaches took King Jake aside though and explained to the him that stealing just means running very fast to get to the next base. Oh.... very well then. As long as no real larceny is involved, I guess it will be OK. Great job pixies!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    excellent job pixies keep up the great work.
