Friday, August 25, 2006

Princess Yellow Hair Joins Royal Navy

Pohick National News (PNN) - In keeping with royal tradition, Princess Yellow Hair, being the second born and not in line for the royal throne was sent off to the Pohick Royal Naval Academy. The drill instructors put all of the midshipmen through their paces and Princess Yellow hair received no special treatment. Approximately 100 new midshipmen reported for duty along with Princess Yellow Hair. PNN was unable to interview the princess or any of her classmates as the Royal Naval Academy does not permit the media with access to the new midshipmen. King Jake stated that he was very proud of his daughter, though the incessant chanting of "Go Navy beat Army!" was almost more than he could bear.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    You have been gone so long! Thanks for writing again!
    The tireless trio
