Sunday, January 21, 2007

Let It Snow

So much for that global warming theory. It appears that winter has finally arrived in Pohick. Though we are only expecting a couple of inches of snow between now and tomorrow morning, we can now officially say that this is not the year without snow.

As soon as the first snow flake was sighted, both Scribbles and Yellow Hair began the speculation of whether or not there will be school tomorrow morning. Jake tried to keep their expectations in check by providing the official weather forecast, but the girls were undeterred. In fact, they immediately began their snow rituals in an effort to help mother nature along. Apparently by doing the following, you can ensure a heavier snowfall:
  • Wear your pajamas inside out and backwards.
  • Sleep with a spoon under your pillow.
  • Run around the dining room table 5 times backwards.
  • Throw 3 ice cubes in the front yard.
  • Throw 3 ice cubes in the back yard.
  • Flush 3 ice cubes down the highest toilet in the house.
  • Do the snow dance (Very similar to rain dance).
  • Play the song White Christmas ten times in a row.
Though it is not surprising that the kids would want a day off of school, there is a certain teacher (who will remain nameless), who is also hoping for a day off of school. Her ritual consists of shaking the lucky snow globe on her desk. The harder she shakes it, the heavier the snow. The poor snowman in the globe is getting nauseous.

So, what things do you do to ensure a day off of school or work?


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    In addition to your stated snow rituals, other residents of Pohick add ice cubes to their bath water. This only applies to the 12 and under crowd!

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Haha. Lucky Scribbles. Just wait, missy. Next thing you know, we'll be drowning in snow and we'll be forced to hide in libraries and run away from the new york city zoo's wolves, which have of course gone crazy and rabid. Don't you just love global warming?

    *-*Dictator A-nOn-y-MoUs

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I also throw icecubes at a tree to have no school.

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I also throw icecubes at a tree to have no school.

  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    If you want it to snow, you have to play the song White Christmas ten times in a row.

  6. Anonymous7:06 PM

    How about placing a cotton ball under your pillow?
