Monday, September 15, 2014

Random Road Trip Day 3 (15 Sep 2014)

OK campers, day 3 was a hoot.  It was a little on the wet side, but we still had a lot of fun despite dodging some rain drops.

Here is the recap from the first two days.

Day 1 - 285 miles (Alabama, Tennessee)
Day 2 - 310 miles (Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina)

At the end of day 2, we still owed the dice 3 hours South. Before we departed Columbia, SC we decided to visit the Basic Combat Training Museum at Fort Jackson, SC.

Basic Combat Training Museum, Fort Jackson, SC
From the Basic Combat Training Museum Website: The U.S. Army Basic Combat Training Museum is an official Army museum located on Fort Jackson just outside of Columbia, SC. The museum’s 7,500+ square feet of exhibit space are dedicated to telling the story of how training in the U.S. Army has developed since 1917 when Fort Jackson, then known as Camp Jackson, first opened. Through the museum’s galleries visitors follow the schedule of basic combat training in 2011, learning along the way how the separate elements of training have evolved since WWI.

The museum is free and open to the public, Monday – Friday, 9AM – 4PM. On Family Day, the museum hours are extended from 9AM – 6PM to accommodate the friends and family members of basic combat training graduates at Fort Jackson.

The Basic Combat Training Museum is an element of the Center of Military History (CMH). The Center Of Military History, which reports to the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army, is responsible for the appropriate use of history throughout the United States Army.

Mary hanging out with a new recruit

Jack getting a basic training haircut

Basic training barracks through the ages

First Aid Training

One of Several holographic Drill Sergeants
One of the coolest things at the museum is the holographic drill sergeants that pop out of nowhere and start yelling at you.  Jack experienced some minor PTSD when the first drill sergeant popped up and started screaming, "Get off the bus recruit!"  That was 28 years ago for Jack, but it got his blood pumping.

Mary throwing a grenade


Tanks for the memories
After the Basic Combat Training Museum, we also visited the AG/Finance Museum. It was OK, but not nearly as interesting.

We then continued our drive South.  We ended up in Charleston, SC and decided to visit the USS Yorktown.

Mary and Jack at the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC
Wow!  What a cool museum and history lesson.  Definitely not a handicap accessible museum, but a very cool museum none the less.

Flight Deck of USS Yorktown
This Essex-class carrier was named YORKTOWN in honor of YORKTOWN (CV-5), sunk at the epic Battle of Midway (June 1942). Built in an amazing 16-½ months at Newport News, Virginia, YORKTOWN was commissioned on April 15, 1943, and participated significantly in the Pacific Offensive that began in late 1943 and ended with the defeat of Japan in 1945. YORKTOWN received the Presidential Unit Citation, and earned 11 battle stars for service in World War II. Much of the Academy Award-winning (1944) documentary "The Fighting Lady" was filmed on board YORKTOWN.

In the 1950's, Yorktown was modified with the addition of an angled deck to better operate jet aircraft in her role as an attack carrier (CVA). In 1958, YORKTOWN was designated an anti-submarine aircraft carrier (CVS), and would later earn 5 battle stars for service off Vietnam (1965-1968). The ship also recovered the Apollo 8 astronauts and capsule (December 1968). YORKTOWN was decommissioned in 1970 and placed in reserve; and in 1975, was towed from Bayonne, NJ to Charleston to become the centerpiece of Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum. 

Radio Room

Jack driving the Yorktown

Mary sounding General Quarters

So many stairs

Don't complain about dorm rooms
 The Yorktown had a complement of 2,600 officers and enlisted.

Mary in Engine Room

Jack in Engine Room

Dinner for 2,600

Hospital Ward
After spending 3 hours exploring the Yorktown (and barely scratching the surface) we had to roll the dice again to find out where we were heading next.  The verdict was 4 hours Southwest.  Actually, our draw was East but we decided to roll again because East would have placed us in the Atlantic Ocean and we forgot to pack our boat.  So, Southwest it is.


On Day 3, we made it as far as Savannah, GA.  We owe the dice 2 more hours Southwest tomorrow on Day 4.

Day 3 - 247 Miles, South Carolina and Georgia

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