Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mount Cutler Hiking Trail Colorado Springs

After work today, Jake and several co-workers headed up into the mountains for a bit of hiking. Today's destination was the Mount Cutler Hiking Trail which is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Mount Cutler Hiking Trail is located in North Cheyenne Canyon. This hiking trail offers about the best bang for your buck that you could possibly ask for in a hiking trail. There is more scenery packed into this short mile long hike than is probably legal.

The Mount Cutler Hiking Trail is located in North Cheyenne Canyon.

Length of Trail: 2 Miles Round Trip

Elevation: 6,797 Ft. to 7,164 Ft.

Click here to see Mount Cutler Hiking Trail on the map of places we've been.

Other Colorado Springs Attractions

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