OK, Jake is a
glutton for punishment. Today he allowed his hiking buddy to talk him into another hiking excursion. This hike was decidedly not a pleasant walk in the woods like
yesterday's hike up Mount Cutler. Today's hike was up the Mount
Manitou Incline Railway. The Incline was originally built in 1906 to move pipe sections up the side of Rocky Mountain. (Mount
Manitou is actually the next peak to the northwest.) In 1925, the incline began to haul tourists up the mountain. In 1990 a rock and mud slide damaged about 500' feet of the tracks and the owners decided that the danger was too great to re-open, and shut it down
permanently. Local folks decided, hey, lets just use the old incline as a hiking trail. Sort of a demented stair
climbing machine. This incline is approximately 1 mile long and climbs 2000 feet in elevation.

The incline offers an
excellent work out and some great scenery. This hike is not for the faint of heart though. Especially for older gentlemen from places much closer to sea level. On the way back down the the mountain, Jake hiked along the Barr Camp Trail which is several miles longer, but is a much more gentle hike. The Barr Camp Trail can also be taken all the way to the top of
Pike's Peak.
Click here to see
Mount Manitou Scenic Incline Railway on the map of places we've been.Other Colorado Springs Attractions
That is cool i love ur blog check out mine.
Sign me up for that hike. Sounds beautiful and challenging.
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