Help! Japanese Beatles are eating my peach tree. Jake returned home after a
week in Colorado Springs. He left Scribbles in charge of looking after the various plants, fruit trees, raspberry bushes, etc while he was gone. When Jake returned home, Scribbles informed him that there was some sort of bug swarming around the peach tree. When he went out to take a look, this is what he found. Luckily, they hadn't gotten around to eating the entire tree yet. Jake immediately went to the store and picked up a bottle of
Sevin Bug Killer
which states that it will work well on Japanese Beatles. We will see if this does the trick or not.
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You could pick them off the tree one at a time crushing them in your gloved fingers as you go. You would know they are dead, would not have to use an insecticide AND the big bonus, you could pretend you are a giant while doing it=)
Do you know how long that takes?! much easier to lay out a large sheet of plastic, shake the tree in the morning so they all fall into the plastic. funnel all of the beetles into a bucket filled with soapy water and watch them drown...
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